Linkspam: Starring the Computer

Starring the Computer is a fun – if somewhat geeky – site recording the use of various computers in films and television. As long with the usual suspects – such as the Apple Macintosh SE and the Commodore 64 – they have some more obscure devices, such as the Thinking Machines CM-1 pictured below. It is really worth a look.

The Thinking Machines CM-1 in The Fly, looking like a super-computer should look.

Horrible Edge Cases to Consider When Dealing With Music

Microsoft’s Windows might dislike the naming scheme of MASTER BOOT RECORD‘s albums.
If you’re on Linux, you might appreciate ///////-//-///// from The You Suck Flying Circus.

Horrible Edge Cases to Consider When Dealing With Music,

And here’s a fun little list of weird edge cases to think about when dealing with music. Some – such as Nine Inch Nails’s Broken having 90 tracks of four seconds of silence – I knew about, but may of them I’d not seen before and their issues wouldn’t have even crossed my mind.

’90s Dad Thrillers: A List

Dad Thrillers share certain thematic and narrative concerns. They are generally stories of men, often with families, professional degrees, and successful careers, who find themselves unexpectedly battling bureaucracyconspiracyirrational violenceimminent natural disaster, or some combination of the above as they confront an existential threat to their, their family, their country, or their planet’s safety.

’90s Dad Thrillers: a List
Notes toward a theory of the Dad Thriller

Max Read

I have to admit that I do carry a secret torch what the above author terms as ’90s Dad Thrillers and, in some ways, mourn their passing. I’ve have, over the past few years or so, had the chance to dip back into some of the movies he references – films like The Hunt for Red October, Enemy of the State and Dante’s Peak, films that have just enough ersatz smarts to make you feel like your not watching mind-rotting trash, but dumb and kinetic enough that the eternal twin distractions of a beer and a laptop don’t feel like they’d overwhelm the entire story.

Perhaps – once Covid and the MCU and influence of China have all faded – one glorious day they’ll see a resurgence and a renewal. I think I’m probably already ready for that day.

Astronomical Engineering: A Strategy for Modifying Planetary Orbits

The Sun’s gradual brightening will seriously compromise the Earth’s biosphere within ~ 1E9 years. If Earth’s orbit migrates outward, however, the biosphere could remain intact over the entire main-sequence lifetime of the Sun.

D. G. Korycansky, Gregory Laughlin, Fred C. Adams

Apparently the solution to everything getting warmer is to just move the planet.


How the Internet Gave Us Access to Obscure Television

Up until the late-1990s, if you missed something on television then it was unlikely you were going to see it again any time soon. Even if you had – and I understand younger readers’ horror at this proposition – managed to position yourself in front of your television at a set time, you would need a hardy memory to remember it over the years.

curious british telly

How the Internet Gave Us Access to Obscure Television‘ is a nice short history of of British media trading as it transitioned from tape trading to BitTorrent and then onto modern Youtube.

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