Linkspam: Bop Spotter

Bop Spotter is an interesting little curio; take an Android phone, set it to run Shazam on a loop, and then hide it somewhere (in this case San Franciscos’s Mission district) with a solar panel attached and suddenly you have the the culture-tasting equivalent of ShotSpotter, generating the unique soundtrack to a particular location. San Franciscos’s Mission is, of course, a very particular environment with a distinct feel too it, so it’d be interesting to see how it would contrast with other locations around the world – though I do suspect that most would end in the brief bang of a controlled explosion.

Harrowdown Hill / Thom York (2006)

Thom York’s catchy 2006 polemic on the Iraq War and the death of Doctor David Kelly. For a music video that first premiered on a mainstream commercial TV station, Harrowdown Hill turns out to be bloody difficult to find in any quality better than ‘potato’. Indeed, the version above – while still not proper HD and occasionally raked by compression artefacts – appears to be the best one currently available and its hidden away on director Chel White’s Vimeo page! The version on XL Recordings YouTube page? Just a squidgy mush!