Apple’s European DSA Recipients of Services Report ( turned up in my RSS feed and it has some quite shockingly low numbers! Whilst personally I prefer a real book over an e-book, I was very surprised to find that Apple has less than 1 million monthly e-book purchasers across the entire EU! And the tvOS and watchOS user base feels incredibly low as well!
Monthly Archives: April 2023
You’ll Always Find Me in the Kitchen at Parties / Jona Lewie (1980)
Jona Lewie’s You’ll Always Find Me in the Kitchen at Parties from 1980. Apparently it made it as high as number 16!
Yorkshire’s Blake’s 7 Filming Locations
Visual Mutterings has quite a nice guide to Yorkshire’s Blake’s 7 filming locations. It sounds like an entirely successful trip!
Kubrickian Star Wars
From the chap who brought us 2001: A Space Odyssey – As directed by George Lucas a few months ago.