Monthly Archives: August 2022
Channel 4’s Turnover and Profit
Channel 4’s turnover and post tax profit from 1993 to the end of 2021 (the last full year currently available), both in absolute terms and adjusted to 2021 prices via the BoE inflation calculator.
Chart data points can be rolled over to provide more information.
Continue readingIt’s Grim Up North / The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu
‘…Bradford, Buxton, Crewe, Warrington, Widnes, Wigan, Leeds, Northwich, Nantwich…’
‘…Manchester, Castleford, Skem, Doncaster, Dewsbury, Hali-fax, Bingley, Bramhall, Are all in the North…’
It’s Grim Up North by the The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu. From the cancelled The Black Room.
Yes! Yet more DALL-E spam!
A Giant Duck Menacing 1950s London

The top left duck appears to be constipated. The bottom right appears to be nesting within the product of its destruction.
Continue readingBuilding QEMU 7.0 on Raspberry Pi OS
***NEW: Building QEMU 8.0 on Raspberry Pi OS***
The Introduction
And spring 2022 brings us another major release of QEMU – in this case, QEMU 7.0, available in all of its tar.xz’d loveliness directly from qemu.org.
Whilst the Raspberry Pi OS‘s package repository remains the fastest, simplest way to get QEMU onto your Pi, Pi OS’s Debian lineage often leaves it trailing the cutting edge – in the case of QEMU, the packaged release for Raspberry Pi OS (version 2022-04-04) is version 5.2 from way back in December 2020.

Fortunately, QEMU is fairly easy to download and compile ourselves.
Continue readingMap Stuff – Early August 2022 Update
And another 2026 map images from the ‘Ordnance Survey Maps – Six-inch England and Wales, 1842-1952’ series:
- 1564 Maps from Lancashire.
- 462 Maps from Warwickshire
Lancashire – 1664 Maps
Interesting places covered in Lancashire include:

Warwickshire – 462 Maps
Interesting places covered in Warwickshire include:

DALL-E Verses DALL-E Mini
And, shortly after my last DALL-E related post, I finally got access to the full product!
And what better way to start off with the full-fat version than by running the same requests as my last post and comparing the outputs.
Clive Sinclair drawn by HR Giger