The Yorkshire Wildlife Park Expansion – An Early 2024 Update


It’s been two years since my last update from the Wildlife Park and the big news is the addition of a new set of cheetah enclosures and a soon to be displayed family of lions*!

*Which I shall cover when they’re actually out and about.


The park’s public map as it stands today. It’s very similar to the previous map with one notable exception – the addition of the new Cheetah Territory at the bottom of the right hand panel!

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Yorkshire Wildlife Park Expansion – Spring 2022

See Early 2024’s Update Here!


And another year has quietly sidled out of sight since my last update on the Yorkshire Wildlife Park’s ongoing extension.

Click to Enlarge

The June 2018 masterplan for the park extension. The park expansion can be found in the lower right, the older original part of the park can be found in the upper left.

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Yorkshire Wildlife Park Expansion – Spring Notes

See my latest notes here!

See all updates here!

And back to Yorkshire Wildlife Park for another trip to visit the animals and to see the progress on their new expansion since last summer. Wherever possible, I have attempted to identify the elements shown from the various maps and presentations that are available on the internet however this is just a best-guess effort on my part.

Given the current circumstances, it’s likely to be my last trip for a while.


The current park is located in the upper left. The new area is being constructed in the lower right.

A map of the new area of the park. The majority of pictures will be from around the areas marked ‘A:A’ and ‘B:B’.

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Yorkshire Wildlife Park Expansion – Late August 2019

See the newest update here!

See all updates here!

So I went back to Yorkshire Wildlife Park at the end of August to find that they’ve started work on their recently approved expansion.

The expansion comprises the lower right section of the map. Unfortunately, the map images on the YWP website are in quite a low resolution and are difficult to gain any sense of detail on. I’ve looked on the Doncaster planning portal and, while I think everything is there, I’ve not yet been able to beat it’s unwieldy interface into submission and find HD versions of the approved plans.

First, a pair of shots taken from the leopard enclosure viewing platform showing the new connecting bridge in context with the existing park. The enclosure to the left of these images is the tiger enclosure.

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