Period Sites with Period Browsers – Machines No. 99 and 100

I’ve just added two somewhat interesting machine/browser combinations to Period Sites in Period Browsers.

Machine 99 – Windows 98 RTM x86 with Grail 0.6

Grail 0.6 running on the release to manufacturing version of Windows 98. Grail 0.6 is interesting as it’s a cross platform browser written by Guido van Rossum in Python and uses the Tcl/Tk windowing toolkit for display. Was Windows 98 the ideal platform for Grail? Probably not, but it did run and it did pretty well with pre-millennial web pages…

Machine 100 – MS DOS 6.22 with Arachne 1.5

Arachne 1.5 running on MS DOS 6.22. Arachne is an interesting curio – a mouse supporting web browser running on a legacy operating system with no native support for mice. Or TCP/IP for that matter. A commercial piece of software, Arachne was designed to allow those on older equipment to browse the web without having to buy a new computer.